Tuesday, May 6, 2014


My mom is the best. Some of you may try to convince me that your mom is the best, but we'll just have to agree to disagree. Well today my friends, is my awesome mom's birthday! Here are a few fun facts about my mom:

  • She is the ultimate crafter and DIYer. She sews, quilts, paints, restores furniture. She is always on the lookout for a fun new project! 
  • She and I used to work in a flower shop together. (I bet you didn't know that about me, did you!) She worked there for years! She still does flowers for family weddings and funerals. She is so talented!
  • Her garden/yard is my favorite place. My wedding reception was there as well as my sisters's. The grass is always perfect. The flowers are so pretty and fragrant. Every year she has new ideas on how to make it better. 
  • She is an awesome grandma! 13 grand kids and another on the way! Wahoo! 
  • She raised 7 kids! Six girls and one boy. We are a BIG happy family :)
  • My mom loves the color blue.  At one point I told her she couldn't buy any more blue clothes because it was getting out of hand.
  • I'm sure if my mom could be any animal she would be a bluebird. She loves birds! And that bird loving trait has been passed down to a few of the grand kids including my little guy.
  • She makes the BEST cinnamon rolls! She even sells them. They are that good.
  • She used to have written instructions on how to turn on our computer and get to her email. Now she has her own laptop and is pretty tech savvy.

When I think of my mom I usually picture her in one of two places; either in her sewing room, or outside working in her yard. I don't have any pictures of her sewing room, but I do have some pictures of her amazing yard.

My mom is the greatest. She has helped me through so much and I have learned so much from her. 

I love you, Mom! I hope you have a great day!

Kelsey B


  1. Thanks Kels! That was a wonderful tribute to me! I love you! And yes, I am crying!

  2. What a wonderful mom you have -such a tribute. You are a great daughter. PS - I love your mom too ! Quite the lady :)
