Monday, August 25, 2014

{Boys} Will be Boys

This month I've basically been running a hotel. I'm serious. At one point we had 4 kids and 4 adults sleeping in our tiny townhouse. We piled everyone in on couches, air mattresses, and nap mats. I don't know why this always seems to happen. In March we basically had the same situation. We are usually bored over here just doing our own thing and then all at the same time every one decides to come visit. The Same Week. Come on people! Just kidding. It's been fun. We had a little break from all our visitors, but the end of this week we'll have a few more again. I think I need a bigger house. But in all that chaos we really did have a lot of fun. We visited Sea World and Aquatica twice, made a road trip, and did a few crafts. The best part of all the crazyness was not really having to entertain Little {A}. He loves playing with his cousins. Especially His buddy {I}. One evening I was watering the plants and the boys got a little wet. Okay a lot wet, but it was hot and I couldn't say no to those silly giggles. So they ditched their clothes and had the best time ever.

Now its just me and Little {A} again. It's quiet and a little boring sometimes. And next week even he will leave me twice a week and go to Preschool. What will I do without him!?

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