Sometimes my sweet little man isn't so sweet. Sometimes he is quite the opposite. I know, I know hard to picture right? Ha! Last week was not a good week. It went a little like this:
Monday: Vomit and crankiness.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: Goopy glued shut eyes and crankiness.
Friday: I'm feeling sick. Oh and now he has a rash. Awesome.
Saturday: I'm feeling better. His rash looks to be just a heat rash. But he gets a major headache out of nowhere. And crankiness.
Sunday: His eyes are still gooey so no church for Little A.
Monday: We both seem to have recovered! Mostly. We both have lingering coughs. I have no idea what this crazy sickness was, but I hope its gone for good.
But at one point in this crazy week Little A did this:
I don't know why this tiny little man with his elephant and rhino make me so happy, but they do. It made me stop and remember that Little A is a sweet, sweet boy. He has a very active imagination and I love it when I get a glimpse into his tiny pretend world.
And then he screams at me for two hours and we are back to square one. Yay. Tips for tantrums? Anyone? Please help me.
Hope your week has gotten better! I'm going through a grandparents-left-us-and-not-wanting-naps-and-molars-coming-in phase myself. Gah! If you found anything wonderful for tantrums, send them my way. Also, love the conversion to black and white. It's lovely.