Monday, July 14, 2014

Little {A}

Sometimes my sweet little man isn't so sweet. Sometimes he is quite the opposite. I know, I know hard to picture right? Ha! Last week was not a good week. It went a little like this: 
Monday: Vomit and crankiness.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: Goopy glued shut eyes and crankiness.
Friday:  I'm feeling sick. Oh and now he has a rash. Awesome. 
Saturday: I'm feeling better. His rash looks to be just a heat rash. But he gets a major headache out of nowhere. And crankiness.
Sunday: His eyes are still gooey so no church for Little A. 
Monday: We both seem to have recovered! Mostly. We both have lingering coughs. I have no idea what this crazy sickness was, but I hope its gone for good.

But at one point in this crazy week Little A did this:

I don't know why this tiny little man with his elephant and rhino make me so happy, but they do. It made me stop and remember that Little A is a sweet, sweet boy. He has a very active imagination and I love it when I get a glimpse into his tiny pretend world. 

And then he screams at me for two hours and we are back to square one. Yay. Tips for tantrums? Anyone? Please help me.

1 comment:

  1. Hope your week has gotten better! I'm going through a grandparents-left-us-and-not-wanting-naps-and-molars-coming-in phase myself. Gah! If you found anything wonderful for tantrums, send them my way. Also, love the conversion to black and white. It's lovely.
