Tuesday, June 17, 2014

{The} Beach

So I love the beach. Like really, really love the beach. I love to soak up those warm sun rays. Dip my feet in the cool ocean water. And just plain RELAX. Last month was "vacation" month (aka a normal 8-5 with weekends off month). It was so nice to be a regular family. You know, the kind where the dad is always home for dinner and has ample time to spend with his family. We only get these kinds of months a couple times a year so we pack in a LOT of fun. This time around we spent four days at the beach. Every morning we'd wake up, eat breakfast, go to the beach. go to the pool, shower, eat dinner. That is the life I tell you! Living in swimsuits, no make up, never cooking. Man I could get used to that! But I think there is a very good reason vacations have to come to an end. I don't think I would appreciate the beach as much as I do if it was always accessible. I might take it for granted and not visit it everyday. Okay who am I kidding, I don't think I could ever get sick of the beach. But back to my point. Vacations have to end. Vacation months can't last forever (at least for us Dr. Families). But I am so grateful that these wonderful things come around so I can remember all I love about them. I love the beach, but honestly I love my family more. If I could spend everyday at the beach, but have to be by myself; honestly, I don't think it would be that great. We could have gone anywhere and it would have been the perfect vacation for us, because we were together.

This is my favorite "moody" sunset picture.

So the point to this whole post? I guess appreciate what you have in those everyday moments. Those "perfect" vacation months come around only every so often; and if you are always waiting around to be happy I don't think you ever truly will be. So be happy. Don't wait. Look for the the good and fun in everyday. And then when those great perfect moments do come, they will be even better.

How do you make everyday a good day?

Kelsey B

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