Tuesday, January 28, 2014

My {B}ag

It's orange, full of goldfish, monster trucks, candy canes, receipts, and occasionally a Nikon D3000 with a 50mm lens. In a couple months I'm hoping a D90 will replace it. If you are wondering why I want the D90 check these out. I love going to this site and comparing different cameras. I would love to have the D7100 or a full frame, but those just aren't in my budget right now. I do however keep going back and forth between the D5100 and the D90. I like the D90 because well first it is a little less expensive and I could use that extra $$ for a better quality lens. Also the big draw to the D5100 is the flip out screen which I really am fine without and high res video. I honestly will rarely use the video anyway. The D90 has video option as well if I were to ever use it, which I doubt I will. What is your dream camera?

My go to {L}ens: For sure the 50 mm. It is always on my camera. Always. I love how crisp and vibrant the images are. It is wonderful in lower light and perfect for most anything. I also have the "kit" lens 18-55mm. This lens really comes in handy when I need to zoom out. The 50mm I "zoom" out by stepping back, but if I am in a cramped space or a building is really tall and won't fit it the frame I grab the 18-55. Like for example: Last summer Steve and I took a trip to Mexico. A much needed vacation after Med school! We took a day trip to hike the Mayan ruin Coba. One of the last you could still hike. (Now closed I believe). Anyway I only took my 50mm and so all the pics I have I had to either stand like way back, waaaaaaaay back to get the whole thing in. Or only get the top or bottom half. If I would have had the 18-55, I could have simply zoomed out and snapped the picture. Done. Another reason I like the 18-55 is for some reason it captures some AMAZING sun flare. I'm not sure why, but it does. I've tried to get some with my 50mm, but it is so much easier with the 18-55.So why not only use the 18-55? Great question. It is not great in low light. I also love to shoot with the aperture wide open like 1.8 or 2.0 to get that great depth of field and blur everything, but my subject out. I can't do that with the 18-55. Well, I can, just not as well. It only opens to about 3.0 give or take depending on the lighting and my shutter speed. There are definitely advantages to both lenses.  Now onto research more lenses! My amazon wishlist is always full if anyone is in a giving mood ;)

Other {G}ear: Steve bought me a 5 in one reflector for Christmas.  I am so excited to use it more! I used it a bit in my recent newborn session and it is so versatile. I used it to block bright spots, while still letting through soft light. I used the gold side to give some of the photos a warmer feel. And the white side for a bright crisp look. Now I just need an assistant to stand behind me all the time whilst holding it. :)

{F}lash: I hate flash! It gives off unnatural shadow. Everything is too white, while the background is usually too dark. I just honestly prefer the warm look of natural light. If I were shooting a wedding that would be a whole different story! But I have no desire or the budget to invest in amazing off camera flash equipment. But when I am at The Children's Museum with crappy lighting and my camera is on Auto - it's going to use flash. And that is okay. I'm not selling or showing off these images. They are just capturing that sweet moment of my guy driving a trolly.

And yes he is always wearing sunglasses. :)

Feel free to comment if you have any questions or would like to know more.  Or if you have any tips and suggestions for me, I'd love to hear!

Kelsey B

P.S. If you are interested in learning more about the class I am taking, head on over here. Sarah is an amazing teacher. She has changed how I see the world through my lens. I have become more aware of elements that will make my images more stunning and elements that will distract. She gives great feedback and I wish the class would never end!


  1. Thanks for sharing! (I love love love my 50mm, but find I don't have enough room with it indoors. I'm hoping to get a 35mm sometime this year). Did you take the Composition Bootcamp or Photograph ABCs?

    1. Janette! I am in the last week of Composition Bootcamp. I LOVE it! It has seriously helped me more in the last few weeks than the last year I researched on my own. She doesn't go into any technical things like how to use your camera it is all about how you take pictures with purpose. How to notice the little things and plan before you click. Also how to get more out of a shoot and things like that. I would 100% recommend it. Plus Sarah is just amazing and you will love working with her :)

    2. I'm definitely going to look into it more. I can't do the session coming up right now, but I'd love to do it later this year. I watched the promotional video & already liked the ideas she presents

    3. If you like her on Facebook she gives great tips! Also right before registration for the class I'm in she put out a promo code for $25 off :)
