Sweet Baby {E}den is 8 months old! This post is a little late, but we've had kind of a dramatic week...

We love this sweet girl so much. She brings so much joy into our home. {A}lex adores her and is constantly hugging and kissing her. She is happy almost all of the time.
She jabbers so much. Her favorite "word" is bob.
Mid cough and still cute. Little did we know her 8 month birthday was probably day one with RSV.
She has learned how to wave and was quick to wave at everyone in the hospital.
A few more things about Sweet {E}den
- She still does not crawl, but is pretty mobile by scooting around on her bum. She really hates being on her tummy.
- She was loving all foods, but since being sick hasn't wanted to eat much solids.
- She has FINALLY started sleeping a little better at night. Only up a 2 or 3 times instead of 10. It's progress I promise.
- She jabbers all the time and really thinks she is part of most conversations.
- Bathtime is still her favorite. She splashes all over.
- She really enjoys walks in the stroller.
- She spent one day/night in the hospital while she was suffering from RSV and Rhinovirus. She responded really well to the breathing treatments so we didn't need to stay too long. She really gave us a scare though and had to ride in the ambulance to the hospital from her peds office.
- She has lots of silly nicknames: Edie, Edelton, Edel, Babe, Baby Eden, Ede, Baby Rox...
We sure do love this girl and can't imagine our lives without her.
p.s. I am working on a chilly Utah snow post. I have the pictures just need to get them up!
She is such a sweetheart and we sure miss seeing her everyday.