Saturday, March 21, 2015

A Fallish {Spring}

Wait, what? What is a Fallish Spring? That doesn't make any sense! Well, in San Antonio, the leaves on most of the trees never actually change colors and fall off in the Fall. They just hang around all winter until the new leaves come in the Spring and push them off. It is very confusing for a toddler. Little {A} keeps asking if its Fall and if all the trees will change colors. I tell him, No it's Spring. It just kind of looks like Fall too.

Now do you know what I mean by a Fallish Spring? I love Spring here! Especially this year. Our grass in our backyard is so green! The wildflowers and Blue Bonnets are starting to bloom everywhere. It's mostly perfect temperatures. It's perfect.

1 comment:

  1. We have something very similar in Tallahassee. You'll see brown leaves all over the ground and ten feet later is a different tree with large blossoms all over it. Very fun weather.
    By the way, when do we get a pregnancy update?!
