I am a Mormon. My calling or assignment in my church is Nursery Leader. Not just a teacher, but the one and only in charge. Most Sundays are pretty chill. We have 3 separate classes because we average about 25 under 4 year-olds every Sunday. I am in and out of each class making sure everyone is okay, making copies, and holding a Screamer every once in a while. When one of my amazing teachers needs a sub, no problem! I can handle that. When the second teacher (on the same Sunday) emails and says she can't make it and I don't find out until minutes after Sacrament meeting..... I start to panic! Luckily I pulled in a few of our rotating helpers and they gladly saved the day! But at the end; when all the kids are tired, hungry, and very cranky, those kids DEMAND bubbles! And what happens when the bubble blower and the back up blower doesn't work? They get closer and closer. It was like a mob. A tiny, snotty nosed mob. It was a little scary. So I blew those dang bubbles myself. I almost passed out. It was 1000 degrees in that tiny room, it was fast Sunday, but it was worth not being taken down by toddlers. I'm sure you are wondering what the point to my story is. I guess there really isn't one. Except little {A} thoroughly enjoyed those said bubbles when I fixed the blower at home the next day. Oh and always have a back up to your back up bubble blower!
Yes I am holding a bubble blower and a HEAVY camera with a HUGE zoom lens. My arms were tired!
And this one just for fun. He is such silly.
Happy Sabbath!
Kelsey B
You caught ultimate joy on his face!